Introduction ************ nnAudio is basically a GPU version of some of the librosa functions, with additional features such as differentiable and trainable. The figure below shows the spectrograms obtained by nnAudio and librosa using different input signals. .. image:: ../../figures/performance_1.png :align: center :alt: Speed test across different machines .. image:: ../../figures/performance_2.png :align: center :alt: Speed test across different machines Installation ************ Via PyPI ~~~~~~~~ To install previous releases from pypi: ``pip install nnAudio==x.x.x``, where ``x.x.x`` is the version number. The lastest version might not be always available in PyPI, in this case, please install the lastest version from github. Via GitHub ~~~~~~~~~~ To install the lastest version from github, you can do ``pip install git+``. Alternatively, you can also install from the github manually by the following steps: 1. Clone the repository with ``git clone `` 2. ``cd`` into the ``Installation`` folder where the ```` is located at 3. ``python install``. Requirement ~~~~~~~~~~~ Numpy >= 1.14.5 Scipy >= 1.2.0 PyTorch >= 1.6.0 (Griffin-Lim only available after 1.6.0) Python >= 3.6 librosa = 0.7.0 (Theortically nnAudio depends on librosa. But we only need to use a single function mel from librosa.filters. To save users troubles from installing librosa for this single function, I just copy the chunk of functions corresponding to mel in my code so that nnAudio runs without the need to install librosa) Usage ***** Standalone Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use nnAudio, you need to define the spectrogram layer in the same way as a neural network layer. After that, you can pass a batch of waveform to that layer to obtain the spectrograms. The input shape should be `(batch, len_audio)`. .. code-block:: python from nnAudio import features from import wavfile import torch sr, song ='./Bach.wav') # Loading your audio x = song.mean(1) # Converting Stereo to Mono x = torch.tensor(x, device='cuda:0').float() # casting the array into a PyTorch Tensor spec_layer = features.STFT(n_fft=2048, freq_bins=None, hop_length=512, window='hann', freq_scale='linear', center=True, pad_mode='reflect', fmin=50,fmax=11025, sr=sr) # Initializing the model spec = spec_layer(x) # Feed-forward your waveform to get the spectrogram .. _on-the-fly: On-the-fly audio processing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By integrating nnAudio inside your neural network, it can be used as on-the-fly spectrogram extracting. Here is one example on how to put nnAudio inside your neural network (highlighted in yellow): .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 10-15,32 from nnAudio import features import torch import torch.nn as nn class Model(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_fft, output_dim): super().__init__() self.epsilon=1e-10 # Getting Mel Spectrogram on the fly self.spec_layer = features.STFT(n_fft=n_fft, freq_bins=None, hop_length=512, window='hann', freq_scale='no', center=True, pad_mode='reflect', fmin=50, fmax=6000, sr=22050, trainable=False, output_format='Magnitude') self.n_bins = n_fft//2 # Creating CNN Layers self.CNN_freq_kernel_size=(128,1) self.CNN_freq_kernel_stride=(2,1) k_out = 128 k2_out = 256 self.CNN_freq = nn.Conv2d(1,k_out, kernel_size=self.CNN_freq_kernel_size,stride=self.CNN_freq_kernel_stride) self.CNN_time = nn.Conv2d(k_out,k2_out, kernel_size=(1,3),stride=(1,1)) self.region_v = 1 + (self.n_bins-self.CNN_freq_kernel_size[0])//self.CNN_freq_kernel_stride[0] self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(k2_out*self.region_v, output_dim, bias=False) def forward(self,x): z = self.spec_layer(x) z = torch.log(z+self.epsilon) z2 = torch.relu(self.CNN_freq(z.unsqueeze(1))) z3 = torch.relu(self.CNN_time(z2)).mean(-1) y = self.linear(torch.relu(torch.flatten(z3,1))) return torch.sigmoid(y) After that, your model can take waveforms directly as the input, and extract spectrograms on-the-fly during feedforward. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2 waveforms = torch.randn(4,44100) model(waveforms) # automatically convert waveforms into spectrograms Using GPU ~~~~~~~~~ If a GPU is available in your computer, you can use ``.to(device)`` method like any other PyTorch ``nn.Modules`` to transfer the spectrogram layer to any device you like. .. code-block:: python spec_layer = features.STFT().to(device) Alternatively, if your ``features`` module is used inside your PyTorch model as in the :ref:`on-the-fly processing section`, then you just need to simply do ````, where ``net = Model()``. Speed ***** The speed test is conducted using three different machines, and it shows that nnAudio running on GPU is faster than most of the existing libraries. * Machine A: Windows Desktop with CPU: Intel Core i7-8700 @ 3.20GHz and GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8Gb GPU * Machine B: Linux Desktop with CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 3700 and 1 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11Gb GPU * Machine C: DGX station with CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2698 v4 @ 2.20GHz and Tesla v100 32Gb GPU .. image:: ../../figures/speedv3.png :align: center :alt: Speed test across different machines Trainable kernals ***************** Fourier basis in :func:`~nnAudio.features.stft.STFT` can be set trainable by using ``trainable=True`` argument. Fourier basis in :func:`~nnAudio.features.mel.MelSpectrogram` can be also set trainable by using `trainable_STFT=True`, and Mel filter banks can be set trainable using ``trainable_mel=False`` argument. The same goes for :func:`~nnAudio.features.cqt.CQT`. The follow demonstrations are avaliable on Google colab. * `Trainable STFT Kernel `__ * `Trainable Mel Kernel `__ * `Trainable CQT Kernel `__ The figure below shows the STFT basis before and after training. .. image:: ../../figures/Trained_basis.png :align: center :alt: Trained_basis The figure below shows how is the STFT output affected by the changes in STFT basis. Notice the subtle signal in the background for the trained STFT. .. image:: ../../figures/STFT_training.png :align: center :alt: STFT_training Different CQT versions ********************** The result for ``CQT1992`` is smoother than ``CQT2010`` and librosa. Since librosa and ``CQT2010`` are using the same algorithm (downsampling approach as mentioned in this paper), you can see similar artifacts as a result of downsampling. For ``CQT1992v2`` and ``CQT2010v2``, the CQT is computed directly in the time domain without the need of transforming both input waveforms and the CQT kernels to the frequency domain. making it faster than the original CQT proposed in 1992. The default CQT in nnAudio is the ``CQT1992v2`` version. For more detail, please refer to our `paper `__ All versions of CQT are available for users to choose. To explicitly choose which CQT to use, you can refer to the :ref:`CQT API section`. .. image:: ../../figures/CQT_compare.png :align: center :alt: Comparing different versions of CQTs